We can quickly build a team to support your project whether short, medium or long-term.
Most businesses and organisations are built on stable team structures that meet their medium to long-term needs. However, a prolonged focus on becoming leaner and more efficient, often prevents them from pulling together high quality teams quickly to support short-term projects.
This is where Ineo can help. Our team includes carefully chosen individuals from our wide network of professional associates. They are skilled and experienced in a diverse range of business disciplines, and work collectively to bring powerful leadership and impact to your projects.
The breadth of our network gives us the capability and experience to design, lead and deliver projects for you, requiring multiple disciplines and specialisms. These can include workplace transformations, turnarounds, new service line launches, business improvement programmes and contract mobilisations.
The majority of complex projects don’t run smoothly for a variety of reasons – flawed assumptions, unforeseen variables and dependency delays. When this happens, there’s usually a drive to get things back under control quickly. This is no bad thing, but the way it’s done can often be damaging – to individuals, teams, organisations, reputations and financial returns.
People perform at their best when they feel valued, respected and psychologically safe. This is why we always give priority to people within process. We help teams to reflect and function in mature, open and effective ways, helping to keep business priorities in focus and resolving inevitable challenges.
The advantages of this open and collaborative approach are:
- Greater clarity on objectives and priorities
- Clear and effective frameworks of accountability and feedbac
- Whole team knowledge
As well as a wide range of leadership and management skill, we also bring:
- People engagement
- Conflict and relationship management
- Diagnostic reviews and business improvement
- Vision and launch
- Coaching and mentoring
- Workshop facilitation
- Problem solving
- Bespoke mechanisms for individual accountability and feedback
- Management information, dashboards and reporting
An example of our innovative projects
Protecting shareholder value through Revenue & Spend Management
SpendVue helps organisations to raise awarenes of spend cycle control and:
Maximise its revenues to absorb cost
Reduce the amount it spends on resources
Increase the efficiency of how resources are deployed and utilised
Reduce the risk of losses and liabilities through inaccurate billing and payments
Careful management of financial resources is central to organisational success and growth It is not uncommon for organisations to engrain processes and mechanisms that are logical yet inherently weak, and in their own way effectively contribute to and perpetuate poor spend management practice.
Our Spend Management and Revenue Tracking tool, SpendVue, is designed to expose hidden weaknesses in cost and revenue management, and help close off the gaps through which Shareholder Value leaks away.
The approach is simple. Our tool focuses on spend management. It assesses the potential recovery of spend through revenue, and the practical legitimacy of the spend from the moment it is triggered.
By working as far upstream as possible in the spend cycle, SpendVue tests the various points at which spend is allowed and where operational flow is reliant on purchased resources. Spend Vue draws its effectiveness and potency from the preconception that ‘until proven otherwise,
it is prudent to assume that management of spend is flawed’. Our Spend Vue assessors utilise the tool to systematically track the flow of spend through its key underpinning processes.
The output is an aggregated ‘likelihood for leakage’ against a ‘total sum spent’. This objectively guides the business leader to those areas that would benefit from more focussed attention.
SpendVue reveals how well:
• Cost is absorbed through conversion to revenue
• Spend is considered before it is committed
• Approval gateways work
• Resources are utilised once purchased
• Resources are reconciled to invoices and payments
In turn, the benefits of our approach become clear for organisations as they quickly and easily assess the magnitude of financial impact and act to stop losses.
The 5 most common unfounded assumptions in Spend and Revenue Management
1. That everyone understands what they are doing,
and the impact of their decisions
2. That in any chain of approval, each person acts judiciously
3. That as an absorber of cost, revenue entitlements are fully captured
4. That resourcing volumes and inputs are conditionally fixed in some way
5. That if invoices follow a regular trend, then they’re probably correct
Ineo exists to engage, inspire and enable people to make their best contribution
SpendVue provides us with an objective mechanism to highlight some of the ways in which people can make valuable contribution to their customers and employers. In our experience this helps create:
• A greater degree of understanding of their role in the context of the organisation they work for
• A greater sense of worth as a creator and contributor of recognised value
• A greater feeling of fulfillment by working diligently on aspects of their role that they were previously not aware of